Qualifications and Accreditations
Master in Psychology and Pedagogy - 1996
Train the Trainer (CMV 1996, PR3 Belgium 2004, Coaching Ways 2009)
Non Violent Communication® practitioner
Trainer at the Ken Blanchard Companies Europe (incl. (performance management, situational leadership® II, situational self-leadership, situational team leadership, situational change management, the manager-coach, first time manager.)
Voice Dialogue®
MBTI® step I and MBTI® step II ; DiSC® profile practitioner; Firo-B interpersonal needs model; Insight Discovery
Team development practitioner, Team dynamics TDA
Coaching Explorer & Discoverer
The work of Byron Katie practitioner
Core Qualities Model for Conflict Resolution (D. Ofman)
Belbin Team roles
Professional experience
Based in Belgium, Chantal is a highly experienced Leadership trainer and teacher at the Ichec Enterprises for MBA programs abroad. She has extensive experience in coaching and facilitation, empowerment, leadership and performance management.
Chantal is a hands-on and results focused Leadership and Self Development trainer/coach. With over 20 progressive years’ experience she has developed and facilitated the execution of HR development strategies that have increased the number of effective leaders and improved global performance.
Background seasoned with experiences leading Fortune 500 companies and State Organisations through highly complicated leadership processes; external growth and integration of HR strategies, she works closely with corporate executive leaders on issues regarding empowerment and performance, resilience and leadership development.
She has designed and delivered over 1000 leadership and communication development training and coaching sessions for Private and Public organizations experiencing aggressive national & international expansions; revitalization; mergers & acquisitions; and/or transformation (audiences range from 50-500 mid to senior level executives, and employee work level).